"ScienceRise: Medical Science" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published 4 times a year.

ScienceRise: Medical Science primarily publishes original research and clinical cases, but also accepts high-quality literature reviews and meta-analyses for publication. Short notices, short reviews, reports and messages are not published in the journal.

The subject matter of the journal covers the areas of research devoted to treatment technologies, in particular, under conditions when the possibilities of decision-making regarding the treatment strategy are limited by insufficient sampling of diagnostic data, conditions for conducting long-term studies of chronic processes, the absence of conditions that would allow obtaining a sufficient volume of data sampling to determine adequate and effective treatment strategy. Related diagnostic problems are also considered.

The journal is accredited by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the field of medical sciences and is recommended for publishing the results of dissertation research. Included in the "B" category of the "List of Professional Publications of Ukraine" (order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 612 of 07.05.2019).

The journal is international, accredited by CrossRef and COPE and indexed by world resources of scientific periodicals.

ISSN 2519-478X (print), ISSN 2519-4798 (on-line)

Drawing up the items of the publication ethics policy of the journal «ScienceRise: Medical Science» Editors followed the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


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No. 2(59) (2024)
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