Selection of a set of indicators of estimation of social and economic systems of regional type
development stability level of complex socio-economic systems (SES), level of investment attractiveness, averaging procedures, rationing of indicatorsAbstract
This article discusses problem of evaluation of regional objects as complex socio-economic systems, formation of requirements to sets of parameters-indicators that characterize the object of study. The complex of these tasks includes calculations of integrated parameters, typologization and ranking. Most useful from a computational point of view are indexes, which built on the basis of linear or quadratic averaging procedures. The main purpose aim of research is development of methods and systems of decision-making support of the management complex socio-economic system, which has type of region. System of decision-making support solves the problem of multifactorial distributed evaluation and management, which requires the accounting of many factors, relating to different areas: economic, natural resource, environmental, scientific-technical, labor potential. At the moment both domestic and foreign researchers do not take into account natural climatic factors, while the need to study and monitor natural climatic factors is relevant. Therefore, we the number of accounted factors is increased by adding parameters, which has character of natural climatic. About 70 indicators are used for the evaluation of investment attractiveness of the region, which allows to get more reliable results.
Research results can be applied in monitoring systems and in systems of decision-making support for complex socio-economic systems of the regional type.
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