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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Article is structured
  • All requirements for the article title are made
  • All requirements for abstracts are made
  • All requirements for keywords are made
  • All requirements for formatting figures are made
  • All requirements  for table format are made
  • All requirements for formatting of the formulas are made
  • All requirements for formatting of references to literature in the text are made
  • All requirements for formatting the list of sources in the Reference section are made
  • All requirements  for registration information about the authors are made

Author Guidelines

Basic conditions

The manuscript can be sent to the editorial office of the journal only if the following conditions are met:

  • the research was conducted with the highest standards of care and conscientiousness;
  • the manuscript is original and has not been published anywhere else, including by the authors of the manuscript;
  • the work has not been submitted anywhere else and is not reviewed with any other publication;
  • the work does not contain defamatory, discreditable or illegal statements;
  • allowed to use any third-party materials;
  • confirmation of consent has been obtained from all specified persons or organizations;
  • authorship was agreed prior to submission, and no one was “gifted” with authorship or refused to be credited as an author (ghostly authorship).

If your research is published and we find that any of these conditions have not been met, we may take action in accordance with COPE guidelines, which may result in one of the correction notices, or we may remove or revoke the article.

Additions and additional materials

If there are figures in the article, the authors must choose the main figure that reflects the results obtained. This figure will be placed at the title of the article in the archive of the journal.
Drawing requirements:

  • format .jpg, .jpeg, .png
  • resolution not less than 300 dpi
  • size no more than 5 Mb

Also, electronic additional materials for the article at the request of the authors (Excel files, audio and video files) can be published.


Requirements for the text

Font – Times New Roman
Font size – 14
Interval – 1
Margins of the document – 20 mm
Number of pages – min 12
Article language: English.
Ukrainian authors can submit their manuscripts for consideration in both English and Ukrainian. After acceptance of the article by the reviewers, authors of Ukrainian articles are given time to translate the article into English or can use the translation service provided by the editorial office.



Required manuscript structure:

UDC for articles of technical and economic sciences

JEL Classification for economic science articles only

Title of the article in English

First name Last name in English



  1. Introduction
  2. Material and Method
  3. Results and Discussion
  4. Conclusions

Acknowledgments (optional)

Conflict of interest

It is necessary to indicate the absence or presence of a conflict of interest. If there is a conflict of interest, it must be specified.
When there is no conflict of interest, it is necessary to specify the phrase:
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest in relation to this research, whether financial, personal, authorship or otherwise, that could affect the research and its results presented in this paper. 


Sources of funding must be indicated. If there is no funding, it is necessary to indicate:
The study was performed without financial support.

Data availability

Choose one of the options and indicate it in the text of the manuscript:

  • Manuscript has associated data in a data repository.
  • Manuscript has data included as electronic supplementary material.
  • Data will be made available on reasonable request.
  • Data cannot be made available for reasons disclosed in the data availability statement.
  • Manuscript has no associated data.

Use of artificial intelligence

Choose one of the options and indicate it in the text of the manuscript:

  • The authors confirm that they did not use artificial intelligence technologies when creating the current work.
  • The authors have used artificial intelligence technologies within acceptable limits to provide their own verified data, which is described in the research methodology section.

Images, photorealistic images, diagrams, drawings, figures that have been generated by artificial intelligence should be labeled "Imagined with AI".

References (at least 10 sources of literature)

The percentage of self-citation should not exceed 20% (i.e. if you used 10 references, no more than 2 of them can be to your work)


Sections of the article: Recommendation

Sections of the article



The Summary must contain 1800–1900 characters and should be based on the following scheme:

  • Object of research.
  • The problem to be solved.
  • The essence of the results.
  • What explains these results.
  • Under what conditions they can be used in practice.

Keywords should be informative in terms of the possibility of identifying this article by search and indexing resources.

1. Introduction

The Introduction should be based on the following scheme:

  • Relevance rationales are arguments that scientific research on a given topic is important for modernity and that the results of such research are important for practice.
  • A critical analysis of the literature should point to an existing problem that has not yet been resolved. From this analysis, the need for the purpose of the author's research should follow.
  • At the end of this section of the article, it is necessary to formulate the aim of the study.

The formulation of the aim consists of two parts: scientific and practical.

The scientific part includes what indicates a solution to the problem: identifying some regularities, identifying the influence of something on something, identifying the mechanism of such and such a process, developing a model (method, etc.), developing application techniques such and such methods for ... etc.

The practical part includes what indicates the expectations from the practical use of the results for example: This will make it possible to…

2. Materials and methods

In this section, it is necessary to say about  object of research and about how the research was carried out: equipment, software (if used), theoretical methods, experimental conditions. That is, this section talks about how exactly the results were obtained. No need to report results.

3. Results and Discussion

Results are given in the form of figures, tables, final formulas.

Discussion should include:

  • Interpretation of the results (what explains the results?)
  • What is their difference from those known from the literature or from practical experience?
  • Practical relevance. It is necessary to indicate exactly how the results obtained during the study can be applied in practice. The scope of application is not limited and independently distinguished by authors based on the characteristics of the study.
  • Research limitations. A limitation is something that, in the conditions of conducting your research, is an objective reality that affects the results obtained.
  • The impact of martial law conditions. It is necessary to indicate exactly how the conditions of martial law in Ukraine influenced the conduct of the study and/or the results obtained. These may be certain restrictions, the impact of changes in the education system, legislative changes, changes in learning conditions (distance education), etc. For authors from other countries, this item is not mandatory but can be indicated if similar conditions are present in the country where the study was conducted.
  • Prospects for further research.
4. Conclusion

Conclusions should contain the following information:

  • What are the results obtained (brief essence)?
  • What explains these results (brief interpretation)?
  • How can these results be useful (theoretically and/or practically)?
  • Quantitative evaluations of results and/or comparative evaluations are desirable if available.


Requirements for registration information about the authors

For each author

First name, Last name

Corresponding author

Science degree



Work address (university, etc.)

E-mail: ….

Phone: ….

ORCID: …..


First name, Last name

Science degree



Work address (university, etc.)

E-mail: ….

Phone: ….



Submit a paper to the editors You can of ways
1. Send to e-mail: or
2. Post an article on-line through the platform OJS (Open Journal System)

When submitting a manuscript to the editor, please send a letter to the e-mail: or as follows:

Dear Editors!
Please find attached the original research article "______________________________________________________________________" written by authors ____________________________________________________ for your kind consideration for publication.
All authors have read and approved this variant of the paper. No part of it has been published or presented elsewhere. The authors have no conflicts of interest related to the research described in the manuscript. The authors of ______________________________, by submitting the manuscript to the Editorial Office of the «Technology audit and production reserves», agree to all the requirements regarding the design, submission of the manuscript of the paper, payment, and are fully responsible in case of violation of these requirements.
We look forward to receiving comments from reviewers.
On behalf of all the authors of this manuscript,
(First name, Last name, degree, phone)
This contact person must be specified in clause 10.2. of the License Agreement

The author (team of authors) submitting the manuscript to the editorial office of the «Technology audit and production reserves» journal agrees with all requirements for registration, submission of the manuscript of the article and payment and be responsible in case of violation of these requirements.


Deadline 30-40 days
1. Once you submit your article, it will be sent for review. Our editorial staff is practicing a double-blind peer review

* Review procedure involves checking for plagiarism, verification of compliance the article title and content, check the content of the article

2. Get response from reviewers. If there are corrections, it is necessary to take into account all the comments of the reviewers and send the revised article back by e-mail to,
3. If there are no corrections or all the remarks made by the reviewers are corrected, the article will be accepted for publication in the journal based on the results of double-blind review.


is submitted by the authors to the editorial board after the first stage of verification – compliance of the submitted manuscript with the subject of the journal and verification of the uniqueness of the text (More details...)

Privacy Statement

The editorial board of the «Technology audit and production reserves» journal pay special attention to hold all information in confidence that comes to the editorial board and has not been published yet. The basic principles the editors follow:

  • All reviewers confirm the confidentiality of information with which they work up to the time of the paper publication.
  • If a reviewer needs help or advice of experts about a particular subject matter, the reviewers report to the editorial staff and get permission for such consultation.
  • The information, proposed by the authors to the editors, is not transferred to third parties.
  • All contact information (phone numbers and addresses), which the authors give to the editorial board, is used only by the editors and is not transferred to third parties.