Analysis of modern gravimeters of the aviation gravimetric system
sensing element, gravimeter, gravity acceleration, gravitational field of the EarthAbstract
The analysis of existing gravimeters of aviation gravimetric systems (AGS) is carried out. Their main disadvantages are identified: low accuracy of measurement (3–10 mGal), mandatory necessity of application of filtration procedure of output signal of AGS gravimeter; instability of the static transfer coefficient of the AGS gravimeter; low speed. The expediency of using AGS for carrying out gravimetric measurements and obtaining information about the Earth's gravitational field is substantiated. Aerogravimetric surveying requires a significant increase in the accuracy and speed of aviation gravity measurements. Therefore, the study of this issue remains an important problem. To date, there are already theoretical developments and prototypes that almost completely solve all the main disadvantages. Modern advanced developments in the field of aircraft gravimeters are considered: gyroscopic, ballistic, piezoelectric, capacitive, string gravimeters. They are distinguished by high accuracy (1–2 mGal) and speed. It is proposed to use a two-channel (differential) method for GA measurement in all gravimeter designs. Then the useful signal is doubled 2g, and the signals of the main disturbing vertical acceleration, instrumental errors from the influence of changes in temperature, pressure and other environmental factors are canceled.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Olena Bezvesilna, Larina Chepyuk, Andriy Tkachuk, Sergii Nechai, Tetiana Khylchenko

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