Reduction of technological risks of flight operation by artificial formation of the buffer zone to penetrating acoustic radiation
aberration, caustic zone, wave coincidence, buffer zone, polyaggregate constructionAbstract
The possibility of reducing technological risks from the effect of penetrating acoustic radiation on flight equipment of flight elements is analyzed. The object of research is the process of elastic interaction of an ultrasonic beam with a metal bush in the form of two identical lengths and different shell radii connected at the ends by flat rings, the internal gap between them is filled with liquid. The disadvantage of the proposed technical solution is to recognize some complication in the design of the float gyro. Results of semi-detailed experimental studies of the float gyroscope in an acoustic medium are presented. As shown by experimental studies, the equipment of the float gyro from outside the thermal casing by a bush of two coaxial, identical lengths, circular shells makes it possible, with artificial irradiation with ultrasonic waves of the outer shell, to create conditions for formation of a caustic zone in the liquid between the shell spaces. This will lead to the creation of an increased energy state relative to the initial state, in the form of a surface coaxial with the internal cavity of the device body. The attainment of the incidence angle equal to the coincidence angle of the wave of the ultrasonic beam allows the outer shell to be converted into an acoustically transparent design. Thus, the entire energy of the ultrasonic radiator will go to the formation of the maximum energy state of the inter-shell liquid turbulent in structure and the available cavitation spaces. This will create a buffer zone for the propagation of external acoustic waves, in which intense dissipation of its energy takes place, and thus the level of the acoustic radiation passing through the device is reduced to zero. At the wave coincidence angle θс=10 degree, the offset of the output signal of the device is 1.24 mV. The measurement error is Δωav≈0.00282 degree·s-1.
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