Enterprises of telecommunications in Ukraine: research of the present state and directions of development
infocommunications, cyberspace, competitive environment, communications, technology convergence, telecommunication enterprisesAbstract
The article contains the results of a comprehensive study of the economic activity of telecommunications enterprises in Ukraine in 2015–2016 and the directions of its development in the conditions of the global information and communication market. As methods of research, economic, marketing and competitive analyzes, a system approach are chosen. It is found that by the end of 2016 telecommunications enterprises had achieved higher indicators, their total income increased by 12 % compared to 2015, a favorable trend in the market for improving the efficiency of economic activity of enterprises appeared; while revenues of the segment of Internet providers and other telecommunications companies from the provision of Internet services increased by 48.5 %, which indicates an effective solution to the problem of access to the Internet and use of its capabilities by Internet users in Ukraine.
The assessment of the state of the competitive environment and the level of monopolization of the mobile communications market and the telecommunications market in Ukraine as a whole is done by calculating the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. The mobile communication market is still quite concentrated, the competitive environment is poorly developed, and a moderately developed competitive environment has developed in the telecommunications market in Ukraine.
Directions of development of telecommunications in Ukraine correspond to global trends and consist in the fact that in the emerging global market of infocommunication services integrated into the cyberspace of the Internet, telecommunications enterprises can successfully perform communicative functions.
It is also revealed that the steady direction of development of the majority of telecommunications enterprises in Ukraine is the desire to increase profits through the production and supply of new Internet services and own infocommunication services to the market.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Lyubov Striy, Vasiliy Orlov, Lolita Zakharchenko, Albert Golubev, Lyudmila Bogatyreva

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