Research of the sources of macroeconomic threats of financial security of joint stock companies




macroeconomic threats, financial security, joint-stock companies, financial policy, financial system, sources of threats.


The object of research is the financial security of joint-stock companies in Ukraine. The problematic aspect in ensuring financial security of business entities is the identification of relevant factors that can cause a negative result of their financial and economic activities. In the course of the research, a critical analysis of the approaches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists to the allocation of macroeconomic threats to the financial security of joint-stock companies, as well as the current legislation, is conducted. The result is the division of all factors in accordance with regulatory legal acts into four sources, namely: investment factors; macroeconomic development factors; fiscal factors; other factors. Such classification of sources, unlike existing ones, takes into account specific aspects of financial activity of corporate structures. It is also proved that threats of a macroeconomic and microeconomic nature can create both conditions where there is a stabilization character and act as a determinant of the financial security of joint-stock companies. Based on the obtained results, the company provides an opportunity to quickly respond to the place of occurrence of a threat to its financial security and apply adequate tools to prevent or minimize the consequences of such threats.

Author Biography

Olena Stashchuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 13, Volya ave., Lutsk, Ukraine, 43025

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Finance and Credit


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How to Cite

Stashchuk, O. (2017). Research of the sources of macroeconomic threats of financial security of joint stock companies. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(38), 24–29.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research