Venture financing of business aviation development


  • Ольга Іванівна Хлопіна-Квіч National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Kosmonavta Komarova 1, Ukraine



small aviation, financing of business aviation processes, planning of venture financing, inclusion of venture capital


The article examines main provisions of the formation and management of venture financing of company’s innovation processes. It analyzes main problems and effective sources of financing of innovation processes in business aviation. The article studies the tendencies of the market development of business aviation services and features of its venture financing, taking into account the logic of business planning of venture financing of business aviation companies. Recently, Ukraine has had a tendency to increase a share of private users of business aviation in contrast to global tendencies to increase business traffic due to servicing corporations. Therefore, for the development of business aviation companies one should carefully consider the following marketing issues that concern a venture capitalist. Modified criteria for making decisions about financing conditions of business aviation were suggested. The modified criteria are: market criteria, indicators of competition, entry barriers, relations with suppliers, technological and social factors.

Author Biography

Ольга Іванівна Хлопіна-Квіч, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Kosmonavta Komarova 1

Graduate student

Department of logistics


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How to Cite

Хлопіна-Квіч, О. І. (2013). Venture financing of business aviation development. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(2(10), 43–45.