Increasing the technical level of a torque flow pump by changing the geometry of a flowing part




torque flow pump, impeller, technical level, turbulence model


The object of research is a pump of dynamic principle of action, namely a TFP «TURO» type (Switzerland).

The main TFP disadvantage is a lower value of the efficiency compared with centrifugal pumps. This is due to the peculiarity of their working process – the formation of a longitudinal vortex in the free chamber of the pump, the maintenance of which consumes part of the power consumed by the pump.

The analysis of a priori information indicates the expediency of using a change in the geometry of the flowing part of the pump as a means of influencing its pressure and energy characteristics. Extending the part of the blades of the impeller to the free chamber allows the combined working process (blade and vortex) to be used in the pump, which will increase the efficiency of the pump without losing the significant advantages inherent in this type of pumps.

Experimental impellers were made and a test was carried out on an experimental bench. The obtained results indicate the possibility of increasing the head and efficiency of the pump while maintaining the location of the optimal regime.

The nomenclature of quality indicators is determined, according to which the comparison of the created pump and the analog pump is carried out. The Harrington method (the «desired function» method) was chosen to determine the basic quality measure. The weight coefficients for quality indicators are determined and the integral indicator of the technical level of the created pump and analog pump is calculated.

The use of the SST model of turbulence for the numerical simulation of flow in the TFP flowing part is substantiated. Numerical calculation is performed and integral values of the pump are obtained.

The proposed design allows to create new pumping equipment with improved performance and a higher technological level, or increase the relevant indicators of existing equipment by making changes to the impeller design. These changes do not require significant costs and do not require the use of complex equipment and can be implemented directly at the site of operation by the company's own forces or the operating organization.

Author Biographies

Vitalii Panchenko, Sumy State University, 2, Rimskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

Senior Lecturer

Department of Applied Fluid Aeromechanics

Aleksandr Ivchenko, Sumy State University, 2, Rimskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

PhD, Assistant Professor

Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools

Oksana Dynnyk, Konotop Institute of Sumy State University, 24, Myru ave., Konotop, Sumy region, Ukraine, 41615

PhD, Assistant Professor

Department of Electronic Devices and Automation

Olga Drach, Konotop Institute of Sumy State University, 24, Myru ave., Konotop, Sumy region, Ukraine, 41615

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Fundamental and General Scientific Disciplines


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How to Cite

Panchenko, V., Ivchenko, A., Dynnyk, O., & Drach, O. (2018). Increasing the technical level of a torque flow pump by changing the geometry of a flowing part. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(1(41), 10–21.



Mechanical Engineering Technology: Original Research