Analysis of modern tendencies of modernization processes of the enterprises of AIC of Ukraine




implementation of the management system, enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, transport infrastructure, modernization processes


The object of research is the enterprises of agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Ukraine, which realize modernization processes.

It is determined that the lack of a unified concept of an effective strategy for the modernization of enterprises in the agro-industrial complex excludes the organizational context. The transport infrastructure provides the basic communication processes and organizational relations as the most important conditions for the implementation of the modernization strategy of the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex.

Theoretical and methodological basis of research is the scientific work of researchers on the strategy of modernization, the main schools of management and the directions of the systematic approach to the application of the efficiency of conducting agro-industrial business. In the course of research, general scientific and special research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, analogies and comparative analysis, decomposition method. Such methods have significant advantages in significantly reducing the level of risk, as well as the cost of modernization processes.

The peculiarities and basic regularities of modernization processes of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, which provide sustainable strategic development of the country’s economy, are substantiated. The situation under which the implementation of modernization processes is the main link in the strategic development of the Ukrainian economy is grounded, and includes two main blocks: the formation of a transport infrastructure to provide a multilevel information field and the implementation of the structure at the functional level. These are two independent stages of implementation of the strategy of modernization of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.

The main problems and difficulties of the strategy of modernization of the agro-industrial complex, which determine the strategic gap, are identified – the lack of compliance with the practice of implementing the modernization strategy with existing strategic plans for the modernization of enterprises in the agro-industrial complex.

Problems are divided into groups of objective and subjective nature. This is due to the fact that there is a high level of instability of the influence of factors of the environment, as well as subjective problems of the implementation of the modernization strategy, which are related to the efficiency of the use of labor potential in practice.

Author Biography

Igor Pishenin, Chernihiv National University of Technology, 95, Shevchenka str., Chernihiv, Ukraine, 14035


Department of Management


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How to Cite

Pishenin, I. (2018). Analysis of modern tendencies of modernization processes of the enterprises of AIC of Ukraine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(4(42), 43–46.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research