Research of the informatization process development of the countries of the world
informatization of the countries of the world, informatization development factors, information and communication technologiesAbstract
The object of research is the informatization development process of the countries of the world. One of the most problematic places is determination of the factors of development of the informatization processes of the countries of the world, taking into account the level of socio-economic development.
Existing methods for assessing the informatization level of countries of the world are fragmented, since they analyze particular indicators without taking into account the level of socio-economic development of countries of the world. In developing the proposed method, a hypothesis is put forward about the existence of features of the informatization development of groups of countries with the eastern level of their socio-economic status. It is proposed to take into account individual differences in the values of the analyzed indicators of the informatization development of individual countries of the world on the basis of economic and mathematical modeling using the tools of multidimensional statistical analysis. The proposed method has a number of features relating to the combination of cluster analysis with other quantitative methods, in particular, factor analysis. The study applied a methodological approach to assessing the informatization development of the countries of the world based on the implementation of the following stages:
- formation of input information about the state of informatization of the countries of the world;
- modeling the relationship of the components of the informatization influence of the countries of the world in the form of latent factors in the development of informatization processes.
A factor analysis is performed within each cluster of homogeneous in terms of informatization of groups of countries of the world. The calculation of factor loads allowed to determine the most influential factors in the development of informatization of the countries of each group. This ensures the possibility of obtaining the most influential indicators that form the mechanism for the development of the informatization process in the countries of each cluster. Compared to similar well-known studies, it is possible to determine the main priorities for the informatization development of the countries of the world in the context of their clusters, formed according to the level of informatization development within the country of each group. This provides a scientific justification for the formation of recommendations on organizational measures to increase the level of informatization of the countries of the world, taking into account their socio-economic status.
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