Studying of the power modes in the traction line for ensuring the high-speed traffic
traction power system, centralized power supply, distributed power, specific power, voltage level, high-speed motionAbstract
The object of research is the power regimes in traction power systems for both centralized and distributed power when introducing high-speed traffic. The introduction of high-speed traffic on electrified railways of Ukraine has begun a number of restrictions in the applied system of traction power supply of centralized power supply. These include not only the impossibility of providing the necessary voltage level of 2.9 kV, but also the low efficiency of the aggregate power of traction substations. In this case, the applied traction power system does not allow to provide the necessary level of specific power in the traction network. Applicable technical means and measures to strengthen the traction network do not allow, in most cases, to provide regulatory requirements for the organization of high-speed traffic.
An analysis of modern research shows that overcoming these disadvantages is possible due to the application of a distributed power supply system to the traction network. To date, sufficient options have been developed for constructing such systems, but in this paper, as an alternative, a system was considered with the distribution of the aggregate power available in the system of centralized power in the inter-substation zone. At the same time it was reasonable to reduce the power of the traction substation to the level of 10 MW.
During the study of power regimes in comparable traction power systems, the results of experimental studies and simulation modeling of the operating modes of the comparable systems were used. Calculations were taken into account not only the specifics of the traction load, but also its impact on the load capacity of the contact suspension. As a result of this approach, it has been shown that the distributed traction power system allows to fulfill the regulatory requirements for providing high-speed traffic. With its application, the consumption of electric energy for traction of trains is reduced by 40 %, the specific power of traction network increases by 90 %, and the load factor of traction substations – by 60 %.
The proposed innovative approach to providing the necessary power mode in the traction line for the organization of high-speed traffic allows to preserve the existing infrastructure on existing electrified section of direct current. This approach allows the application of various types of electric rolling stock and provides the required capacity of the railways.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Petro Hubskyi, Valeriy Kuznetsov, Anton Drubetskyi, Andrii Afanasov, Mykola Pulin
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