Modeling of soil-cement piles construction and testing
soil-cement piles, soil-cement, plasticizing additions, tests for compressive strengthAbstract
This article is devoted to laboratory studying of soil-cement piles. The main problems of the research are defined. The technology of pile establishing and factors that affect pile’s material strength are described. The method of modeling deep soil mixing technology at laboratory with keeping soil behavior such as consistency and moisture of basement is explained. The influence of plasticizing additions on pile’s material strength is experimentally studied. A set of pile samples with different composition were produced. Reference piles were produced of two cement types – portlandcement and portland-slag cement. Some piles were produced by mixing in plasticizing additions to binder. Cylindrical specimen of soil-cement were selected. The correlation that has been revealed shows the influence of plasticizing additions on soil-cement strength and consistency. It has been revealed that pile’s body material strength depends on the depth of sinking. The findings of the experiment proved the validity of the suggested modeling method and efficiency of use of plasticizing additions.References
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