The content of economic categories "effect" and "efficiency" of innovative activities


  • Олег Васильович Донець SB of NULES of Ukraine «Crimean Agritechnological University», v. Agrarnoe, Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 95492, Ukraine



effect, efficiency, innovative activities, economic efficiency


Based on the conclusion that the process of radical innovative transformation occurs in the society, the problem of assessing innovative activities was studied in the paper. The main objective of the study is to clarify the essence and basic methodological approaches to the definition of the content and values of such categories as effect and efficiency of innovative activities.

In the study of the innovative activities assessment it is necessary to distinguish the concepts of "effect" and "efficiency" of innovative activities. The essence and content of economic category of "effect of innovative activities" as a result of innovative activity in one of the economic measurements were extensively considered in the paper. The types of effects of innovations introduction were given.

Understanding the economic effectiveness as the ratio of the result and costs, the most general approaches to assessing the effectiveness of innovative activities were summarized in the paper, the method of calculating the economic efficiency indexes of innovative activities was provided.

According to the research results it was proved that the distribution of innovative product creates an innovative effect, the analysis of which is the basis for determining the efficiency (effectiveness) indexes of innovative activities. The existing methods for assessing innovative activities are based on the methods of assessing the economic efficiency of innovative projects. They are dynamic and complex by the spectrum of approaches and methods area of economic knowledge.

Author Biography

Олег Васильович Донець, SB of NULES of Ukraine «Crimean Agritechnological University», v. Agrarnoe, Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 95492

PhD of economic, Associate Professor, the director of the Teaching and Research Center of Information and Telecommunication Systems


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How to Cite

Донець, О. В. (2013). The content of economic categories "effect" and "efficiency" of innovative activities. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(3(13), 42–44.



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