Development of comparative assessment method of digital economy based on the integral index
digital economy, digital sector of the economy, digital transformation, integrated assessment, digital development strategyAbstract
The object of research is the process of statistical and economic measurement of the digital economy. One of the most problematic places of research is the theoretical justification of the approach to determining the national index of the development of the digital economy in the conditions of the initial stage of the digital transformation of socio-economic relations in Ukraine.
In the research process, a system analysis method was used to identify problems and directions for improving digital statistics in Ukraine, studying the interpretation of the concept of the digital economy, including from the perspective of basic indicators. The method of generalization is used to systematize the digital industry of Ukraine according to the types of economic activity of the national classifier, as well as international indices of the digital economy in the areas of its assessment. Using the heuristic method, a methodology for the comparative assessment of the digital economy based on the integral index has been developed. The determination of the directions of practical application and further development of the latter is obtained by the logical method of research. Based on the results of the study, a national index of the development of the digital economy is proposed, synthesizing the following private indices:
– development of digital infrastructure;
– digitalization of the socio-economic system;
– digital transformation of the socio-economic system.
The quantitative and qualitative indicators of assessing the digital economy from the position of the basic foundations of its development are systematized. This approach to determining the integral index is due to the low level of development of digital infrastructure and the digital sector of the Ukrainian economy at the present stage, the need to create basic conditions for digital transformation through the use of new information and communication technologies.
The developed methodology acts as a tool for rationalizing digital policy decisions in implementing the national digital development strategy in the context of Ukraine's transition to a full-fledged digital economy. Its advantage is the possibility of a comprehensive (technological, economic, social) assessment of the degree of development of the digital economy in a country at the initial stage of digital transformation. The proposed assessment tools serve as the basis for its further development from the perspective of the formation of a full range of factors (conditions) of the digital economy (digital, non-digital) and digital effects.
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