Experimental evaluation of dynamics state of «driver – vehicle»


  • Ирина Эдуардовна Линник Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy Named A. Beketova str. Revolyutsii, 12, Kharkov 61002, Ukraine




system, forecasting, evolution, driver, state dynamics


 The studies, given in the paper, deal with forecasting the evolution of systems. Despite the large number of studies on the evolution forecasting, many issues remain understudied. In particular, the evolution patterns of ergonomic systems require the additional studies. This justifies the relevance of the conducted studies. For the experimental investigation of the development patterns of the system “driver − vehicle − transport network − environment”, the method for studying the prototype dynamics of the system - “driver” in the short time intervals can be used. The results of the experimental evaluation of state dynamics of the ergonomic system “driver − vehicle “, which confirm the theoretical studies of forecasting the evolution of the system “driver − vehicle − transport network − environment” on qualitative differences in the state dynamics at the stages of destruction and formation of determinism in the system. Destruction of the old determinism is a necessary condition for the formation of the new one. This condition is formulated as the principle of systems functioning and is called “the principle of the necessary destruction of the old determinism”. Occurrence of “the principle of destruction...”in the structure of driver’s activities allows using it as one of the most important principles of design and maintenance of roads.

Author Biography

Ирина Эдуардовна Линник, Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy Named A. Beketova str. Revolyutsii, 12, Kharkov 61002

Dr., Associate Professor

Department of Urban Construction


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How to Cite

Линник, И. Э. (2013). Experimental evaluation of dynamics state of «driver – vehicle». Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(6(14), 6–8. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2013.19585



Transport Technology