Knowledge manadgement in national practic


  • Алла Степанівна Полянська Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska str., 15, Ivano-Frankоvsk, Ukraine, 76019, Ukraine



knowledge, development, information, data, management, learning, strategy of knowledge management


The article considers the using of key concepts of knowledge management in domestic practice. The main purpose of this investigation is the selection of main guidelines of realization of indicated conception in enterprises and substantiation the ways of this process activate. This article selects the main approaches to the formation of knowledge management strategies, based on the using of information technology and human resource. Using of knowledge management technologies permit to increase the quality and efficiency of management decisions, to improve the response on changes in the environment of the enterprise, the quality of customer service. The presented methodology of inculcation of knowledge management allows complex use of enterprise resource capabilities to convert them in to potential of development. The results of investigation can be used by managers and employees in the field of personnel management. We offer successive overcoming of barriers on the way of using of knowledge management elements in enterprises and focus attention on the principle of learning.

Author Biography

Алла Степанівна Полянська, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska str., 15, Ivano-Frankоvsk, Ukraine, 76019

Doctor of economic, associate professor

Head of department of management and administration


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How to Cite

Полянська, А. С. (2013). Knowledge manadgement in national practic. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(6(14), 32–34.