Reducing the energy consumption of distributed computer systems with energy-restriced measurement modules


  • Владимир Юрьевич Савинов Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University 54003, Nikolaev region, 68 Desantnikov, 10 street, Ukraine



distributed systems, energy-restriced measuring module, power consumption, dynamic performance management


Development and growth of the electronics that use microcontrollers in different sites of application systems, such as distributed information-measuring systems, cause the search for more effective solutions to reduce energy consumption as well as modules  usually consume from autonomous energy sources. In the article the problem of reducing the energy consumption of distributed computer systems with energy-restriced measurement modules based on microcontrollers through optimal scaling CPU frequency measurement of the module is considered. A mathematical model of this system was created, which considers energy restrictions of  systems. For power optimization algorithm was used EDF. Performance of the system was experimentally verified on the basis of the measuring unit , which consists of selected piezoceramic element TsTS-19 , Microstick for dsPIC33F Development Board the controller , Raspberry Pi Model B. 

Author Biography

Владимир Юрьевич Савинов, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University 54003, Nikolaev region, 68 Desantnikov, 10 street

A graduate student of The Deprtment of IT technologies and program systems


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How to Cite

Савинов, В. Ю. (2013). Reducing the energy consumption of distributed computer systems with energy-restriced measurement modules. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(14), 29–31.



Information technology and control systems