Stochastic models and methods of optimization of gas transmission systems
gas transmission system, quasistationary mode, stochastic models, methods of optimizationAbstract
The problem of the optimization of the actual operating modes of gas transportation systems (GTS) on a given interval of time [0 - T] is discussed. It is shown that the solution of the problem is possible only in the class of stochastic models of quasi-stationary regime of transport and natural gas distribution in the GTS. The stochastic model of quasi-stationary nonizotermic mode of transport and natural gas distribution in the GTS with numerous linear sections (LS) and many shop compressor stations is performed. An effective method of reduction of order of the resulting system ensuring the fulfilment of the conditions of solvability of the deterministic equivalent of a stochastic system of equations is proposed. The stochastic formulation of the problem of optimization of the actual operating modes of the GTS in the form of a multicriterion problem of nonlinear stochastic programming M-type with line-by-line statistics and probability limitations of M - and P-type is given. The solution of the problem [9] allows to receive optimum energy plan of work of the GTS on a time interval [0 - T], which has restricted resistant predicted stochastic perturbations.
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