Simulation of hepatitis b epidemic process using intelligent agents


  • Андрей Вадимович Товстик National Aerospace University – Kharkov Aviation Institute Str. Chkalov, 17, Kharkov, 61070, Ukraine



multi-agent approach, fuzzy inference, epidemic process, hepatitis B


The use of intelligent agents in the simulation of the hepatitis B epidemic process is considered in the paper, and preliminary simulation results are given. The main purpose of the research is to develop methods, models and create the applied information technology on their basis for disease spread simulation with the possibility of taking into account available anti-epidemic measures. Prediction of the epidemic situation is of great importance both from the point of view of the national health state as a whole, and for economic reasons. The use of simulation multi-agent modeling as the most appropriate method for the simulation of the complex epidemic process is considered in the paper. The proposed structure of intelligent agent allows to reduce the behavior uniformity of the modeled population for the more detailed reflection of the studied process. The developed model allows predicting the epidemic situation in society, taking into account the intensity of spread and introduced means for the incidence rate reduction. The research results can be applied by epidemiological supervision centers to determine the reasonable level of introduction of disease control measures.

Author Biography

Андрей Вадимович Товстик, National Aerospace University – Kharkov Aviation Institute Str. Chkalov, 17, Kharkov, 61070


Department of Informatics


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How to Cite

Товстик, А. В. (2013). Simulation of hepatitis b epidemic process using intelligent agents. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(14), 36–38.



Information technology and control systems