Personnel certification as products quality improvement factor


  • Світлана Іванівна Терещенко Sumy National Agrarian University, Str. Kirov, 160/4, Sumy, Ukraine



certification, personnel, labor productivity, qualification, proficiency, product certification


The necessity of introducing personnel certification at agricultural enterprises is substantiated. The hierarchy of measures, encouraging labor productivity, at agricultural enterprises, which directly affect the reproduction processes of the industry and their financial situation improvement in conditions of economic instability, is proposed. Currently, any production system requires introducing new information technologies, highly sophisticated machinery and equipment, developing communication linkage that will significantly increase the standards of living and satisfying the needs of society. The purpose of the study is to solve the issues on reproducing the agricultural sector through introducing personnel certification.

It can be concluded from the aforesaid that all the complex and various tasks, which need to be solved at agricultural enterprises, require specific expertise and skills from their personnel, so personnel is one of the main enterprise quality resources. Appropriate level of expertise and skills is achieved primarily through training. High-quality training of personnel is its willingness to perform all the key functions of the company according to the quality system requirements. Consequently, it is based on the principles of universality, commitment, continuity and hierarchical order.

Author Biography

Світлана Іванівна Терещенко, Sumy National Agrarian University, Str. Kirov, 160/4, Sumy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Economics and controlling


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How to Cite

Терещенко, С. І. (2014). Personnel certification as products quality improvement factor. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(4(15), 26–28.



Metrology, standardization and certification