Financing aspects of transportation work of urban electric transport enterprises


  • Олексій Юрійович Палант O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, 17 Marshala Baganova street, Ukraine



funding, tariff, transportation work, recovery of expenses, costs compensation, urban electric transport


The conducted analysis of the international experience of UET development has shown that recently a significant advantage is given to electric transport, as environmentally friendly. There is an opposite tendency in the market of urban transport services of passenger transportation in Ukraine. Insufficient funding from the state budget revenue losses from subsidy contingent transportation leads to the use of outdated transport vehicles and reduction of the public electric transport routes.

However, almost all economically developed countries provide funding up to 80% from the federal budget, necessary to improve the operation of public passenger transport.

A set of measures for stating transport work requirements for urban electric transport enterprises was proposed. The basic approaches to forming tariffs, determining the compensation for the difference between fixed tariffs and actual transportation cost, the value of compensation for income losses of subsidy passenger transportation were given. The directions of representing these aspects of funding transportation work of urban electric transport in the preparation of the agreement on the organization of passenger transportation with local authorities, ensuring the availability of transport services and the creation of conditions for sustainable and safe passenger transportation, were proposed.

Author Biography

Олексій Юрійович Палант, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, 17 Marshala Baganova street

Candidate of Economics

Department of Urban and Regional Economics


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How to Cite

Палант, О. Ю. (2014). Financing aspects of transportation work of urban electric transport enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(2(16), 4–7.



Economy of enterprise