The choice of an effective form of a bottom reflector for uniform heating of high-temperature pitch
bottom reflector, circulation method of heating, high-temperature pitch, vertical steel tankAbstract
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the use of reflectors of various shapes on the uniformity of the temperature field of high-temperature pitch. Efficiency of the pitch heating system is regulated by strict requirements for the uniformity of temperature distribution in the tank. The decisions to intensify heat exchange alongside with the employment of the circular method of heating is justified. Numerical modeling of heat exchange in the tank using bottom reflectors is performed. It is proved that bottom reflectors will allow intensifying heat exchange in the tank and ensure heating uniformity without additional energy expenditures. It is shown that the use of a bottom reflector shaped like an inverted truncated cone will make it possible to reduce the temperature gradient throughout the tank height. The achieved results can be used for developing energy saving modes of the pitch storage site PJSC "Ukrgrafit.References
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