Definition and control of concentration of components of multicomponent liquid by one electrical parameter
multicomponent liquid, component concentration measurement and control, complex conduction, conductometric cellAbstract
Using the measured value of the reactive component of liquid conduction in certification testing of products and safety control of production impact on the environment is discussed in the paper. The main purpose of the research is to develop electrical methods and techniques for rapid and objective definition of the controlled concentration in finished products and environmental objects. With the development of experimental techniques, the opportunity to elaborate the electrical method, which replaces multistage laboratory studies and ensures accuracy and speed of obtaining the result has appeared. The analysis of the results of experimental studies of multicomponent liquids in a wide frequency electromagnetic field is given in the paper. Individual spectral characteristics for the liquids, which depend on the chemical nature of components, their concentrations and the primary converter design are identified. The method for fast determination and control of liquid component concentrations using one measuring index of the conduction reactive component is proposed. The method allows to obtain necessary information without laboratory facilities and expensive equipment. For voting, we propose to use the principle of seeking consensus based on various expert opinions of physical chemists and metrologists. The research results can be applied to liquids in production diagnostics, finished products composition control, waste and environment monitoring in the food, pharmaceutical and other industries.References
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