Intellectual data analyzing in automated management system of bragorectification settin
bragorektification setting, data mining, neuro-uncertain technology, automatic analysisAbstract
This article tells about Data Mining technology using for analyzing data and extract information from data set on the example of bragorectification setting. The main task of exploration is the automatic analysis of methods and systems, data connections developping between amounts which can be seen as a kind of summary of the input data and may be used in further analysis, modeling or forecasting. This article considers the main influencing factors of technological processes and interconnection between input and output data based on Bragorectification setting operation (BRS). One of such methods is neuro – uncertain technology. To achieve the aim we have got information and statictics about management object operation and controlling. It was built parametric structure of Bragorectification setting neuro – uncertain model. It was formulated uncertain structure data base model and received the surface response as graphical dependencies for operator decisions. Using these methods of information processing in sub- decisions, the effectiveness of Bragorectification setting control will significantly increase.References
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