Research of the impact of vibration on the efficiency of dissemination of loose plant products from the motor vehicle bodies




bulk crop products, internal friction, angle of repose, body lift angle, dump truck, loading and unloading operations


The object of research is the process of unloading bulk crop products from the bodies of dump trucks, the subject of the study is the dependence of the energy consumption of unloading on the properties of products when exposed to vibration. This dependence is understood as a change in the properties of bulk products, such as internal friction and the angle of repose, in the direction of decreasing, providing a decrease in the angle of lift of the body. One of the most problematic areas is the lack of objective information on the dependence of the required lifting angles of the dump truck body when unloading fine-grained crop products when exposed to vibrations. There is also insufficient information on the dependence of these angles on vibration frequency for each of the products.

In the course of the study, an experimental method was used to determine the angles of natural bevel for different crops without and under the influence of vibrations of different frequencies on the reference area. The proposed development makes it possible to quantitatively assess the degree of influence of vibrations, their frequencies and time of impact on the frictional properties of bulk crop products. The degree of reduction of internal friction in these products and the maximum angles of lifting the body required for its unloading were experimentally determined, and numerical data were obtained on their reduction under the influence of vibrations. The results obtained allow to consider it an effective tool for obtaining objective information about the effect of vibrations on the characteristics of internal friction of bulk crop products. This made it possible to determine the degree of influence of the lift angle of the dump truck body during unloading and to reduce energy costs. In contrast to the existing ones, the proposed development makes it possible to differentiate these angles depending on the frequency and time of exposure to vibration, as well as on a specific product. Certain parameters make it possible to regulate them to achieve minimum energy consumption.

Author Biographies

Evgen Opanasyuk, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Vehicles and Transport Technologies

Dmytro Beherskyi, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University


Department of Vehicles and Transport Technologies

Mykola Mozharovskyi, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Senior Lecturer

Department of Vehicles and Transport Technologies

Ivan Vitiuk, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Senior Lecturer

Department of Vehicles and Transport Technologies


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How to Cite

Opanasyuk, E., Beherskyi, D., Mozharovskyi, M., & Vitiuk, I. (2021). Research of the impact of vibration on the efficiency of dissemination of loose plant products from the motor vehicle bodies. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(1(60), 25–30.



Mechanics: Reports on Research Projects