Integrated assessment of atmospheric air pollution by the example of the city of Uzhhorod (Ukraine)




public control, air quality, air quality index, contaminant


The object of research is the processes of transformation of the ecological equilibrity of the structural and functional state of atmospheric air by the example of the city of Uzhhorod (Ukraine), as the border area, and the impact on the health of the population. One of the most problematic issues is the imperfection of methods for assessing the quality of air and its impact on the health of the population.

During the study, data from the Transcarpathian Regional Center of Hydrometeorology were used, the materials of statistical reporting of enterprises, the urban sanitary and epidemiological station, etc. Data is obtained relating to the influence of automobile transport in Uzhhorod, Transcarpathian region, on the quality of atmospheric air, as well as the negative consequences of the impact of excessive concentrations of pollutants in the air on the health of inhabitants of urbanized territories. The authors analyze the data on the concentrations of certain air quality parameters in 2019 and 2020. The ways to improve the ecological situation in Uzhhorod have been suggested, and the necessity of developing public control of air quality to preserve the health of Uzhhorod residents has been substantiated.

Due to the introduction of the proposed ways to improve the environmental situation in Uzhhorod, an increase in the living conditions of the population of border areas, in particular, Uzhhorod, improving the quality of atmospheric air of the investigated territories will be achieved. It is indicated to develop proposals for improving the methods of quality control of atmospheric air of border areas that will correspond to the standards of the European Union. This study is global due to the shapes of modern anthropogenic pressure, spontaneity, impulsivity and comprehensive validity of numerous factors implemented against the background of climate change. And it is requires new approaches in the scientific principles of organization of nature management, which will be based on an ecosystem approach in identifying and establishing biosafety of existing and latest pollutants

Author Biographies

Svitlana Delehan-Kokaiko, State Institution of Higher Education “Uzhhorod National University”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Emilia Glyudzyk, State Institution of Higher Education “Uzhhorod National University”

Postgraduate Student

Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Olesya Symkanuch, State Institution of Higher Education “Uzhhorod National University”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines


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How to Cite

Delehan-Kokaiko, S., Glyudzyk, E., & Symkanuch, O. (2021). Integrated assessment of atmospheric air pollution by the example of the city of Uzhhorod (Ukraine). Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(3(60), 27–31.



Ecology and Environmental Technology: Reports on Research Projects