Methods for restore the working bodies of grain seeders




disc coulters, hardening, wear rate, structure, technological process


In this paper, the analysis of recovery methods of disc coulters of grain seeders that are in service can have such trouble as deformation, warping, wear on the outside diameter. With a slight deformation it is applied its correction, and when diametrically worn of disc it is produced the sharpening of their cutting edge. There is a way to diametrically restore the surface of the disc by the method of contact seam lap-welding with the further consolidation of powder materials based on sormite.

The above methods do not adequately restore the quality of the processing, complex, have a low productivity and high cost.

In view of these disadvantages of the existing methods of disc coulter repair in the development of new recovery process using a vibrating hardening regime considered the following processing parameters: perturbing force, amplitude and frequency of oscillations of the working tool, its speed and processing time.

Large numbers of dislocations that provide a greater degree of hardening are occurred when vibrating due to grain crushing deformation of the processed material and an increase in their slowness.

Author Biography

Александр Васильевич Канивец, Poltava State Agrarian Academy, 1/3 Skovorody str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of general technical disciplines



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How to Cite

Канивец, А. В. (2015). Methods for restore the working bodies of grain seeders. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(1(22), 70–72.