Research of key aspects of load-following mode implementation at NPPs of Ukraine


  • Роман Сергеевич Глушенков National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Peremogy ave, 37, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine



NPPs of Ukraine, load-following mode, daily variation of electricity production of NPPs


In the grid system of Ukraine HPPs are operated in the load-following mode (hereinafter referred to as LFM) and TPPs are operated to meet the power demand which HPPs cannot satisfy. The TPPs are characterized by high-cost electricity generation, high level of deterioration of equipment and of environmental stress.

The paper analyzes the international experience of NPP operation in the LFM, as well as the possibility of Ukraine’s NPPs operation in this mode, and researches the influence of different features and key aspects of the possible operation in the mode.

The results of the research show that NPPs of Ukraine can be operated in the LFM, the implementation of the mode could improve economic performance of the NPPs on account of selling "maneuvering" electricity at a higher price, could give more maneuvering abilities to the Ukrainian grid, and decrease dependence on organic sources of energy. (fossil fuels)

The research of the key aspects and possibility of the LFM implementation at Ukrainian NPPs is urgent and actual in the current political situation.  Ukraine is faced with the power shortage in the Ukrainian grid system, especially shortage of “maneuvering” power and short supply of organic sources of energy. 

Author Biography

Роман Сергеевич Глушенков, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Peremogy ave, 37, Kyiv, 03056

Post-graduate student

Department of Energy Systems


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How to Cite

Глушенков, Р. С. (2015). Research of key aspects of load-following mode implementation at NPPs of Ukraine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(1(22), 18–26.