The review of modern ontology driven information systems and services, prospect of their application in e-learning


  • Сергій Вікторович Сирота National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv-56, Ukraine
  • Вячеслав Олегович Ліскін National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv-56, Ukraine



knowledge, ontologies, knowledge engineering, e-learning


It is done a comparative overview of current ontology driven information systems that are used or could be used for e-learning systems, and discussed current approaches to e-learning in higher education. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the functionality of the systems «Cyc», «Ontolingua», «The World FactBook» and their possible interactions for intercomputer knowledge sharing. Ontology driven information systems are closely related to the conceptualization of the ontological categories and improvement of hierarchic entities at all levels. Ontological principles serve as a unifying mechanism between scientific knowledge of a particular domain and general knowledge focused on solving one of the major problems of artificial intelligence – analysis, synthesis and understanding natural language by computer. The use of ontologies in education is a promising area of research. With knowledge engineering can perform the following tasks: automatic generation of educational-methodical documentation based on ontology of the disciplines; building multi-disciplinary ontology with automatic generation of educational content; determining the validity of the information found in the Internet by students; improving the quality of assessment by using the tools of construction of tests and automatic analysis of the responses. An important direction in the development of e-learning is the formalization and automation of the process of building ontology by creating algebra of the ontologies.

Author Biographies

Сергій Вікторович Сирота, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv-56

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Applied Mathematic

Вячеслав Олегович Ліскін, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv-56

PhD Student

Department of Applied Mathematic


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How to Cite

Сирота, С. В., & Ліскін, В. О. (2015). The review of modern ontology driven information systems and services, prospect of their application in e-learning. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(6(25), 58–60.