Example of study of vibrations a chassis with an air caster


  • Борис Меерович Шифрин Kirovograd Airline Academy of The National Aviation University, Ukraine




Oscillations, chassis, friction, slip


The article describes an example of applying the theory of multicomponent dry friction in studying oscillations of mechanical system with an air caster. Oscillations are caused by dependence of normal reaction of supporting surface on time

Author Biography

Борис Меерович Шифрин, Kirovograd Airline Academy of The National Aviation University

Associate professor of Department of general technical disciplines and aviation chemistry


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How to Cite

Шифрин, Б. М. (2012). Example of study of vibrations a chassis with an air caster. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(3(8), 45–46. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2012.5530



Mathematical Modeling - Applied Aspects