Research and analysis of the commercialization process of ideas and results of the innovative activities in Ukraine: legal and economic aspects




international agreements, laws of Ukraine, patenting, commercialization, innovative activity of enterprises


It is investigated a legal aspect of commercialization in the light of the basic laws of Ukraine and agreements, which entered Ukraine to integrate into the global economic system: the Paris Convention, Madrid Agreement, Agreement «On Patent Cooperation» agreement «On Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights» Laws of Ukraine «On innovative activity», «On scientific and scientific-technical information», «On Protection of Rights to Industrial Designs», «On protection of inventions and industrial models» and others. The article states that the shortcomings of the Ukrainian legislation limited time duration of patent protection and features protection of intellectual property. The aim of research of the legal framework in terms of protection of intellectual property is the formation of a legal corridor for the implementation of the commercialization of ideas and technology transfer, as the author of the idea for the concept of the protection of his rights to object ownership is crucial for its implementation marketing.

The economic aspect describes the contemporary realities of patent effectiveness of Ukraine, as the defining characteristics of commercialization and its primary stage. Along with the display of patent activity, the article noted the trend of innovative activity of enterprises, which states that the number of innovative active enterprises for the period from 2012 to 2014 is increased, but the implementation of innovative products and innovative costs are decreased. Analysis of the statistical data allows determining basically positive trend that character will drop down if negative changes in the national economy will continue.

Author Biography

Оксана Ігорівна Кліпкова, Lviv Academy of Commerce, st. Tugan-Baranovskу 10, Lviv, Ukraine, 79005

PhD student

Department of Economic Theory


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How to Cite

Кліпкова, О. І. (2016). Research and analysis of the commercialization process of ideas and results of the innovative activities in Ukraine: legal and economic aspects. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(27), 41–45.