Analysis of mobile networks 4th generation and prospects for implementation in Ukraine




wireless mobile communication, WiMAX-Advanced, LTE-Advanced, IEEE802.16m, 3GPPRelease10, WiMAX-Forum


The article contains the analysis of the current state of 4G mobile networks in the world and the problems and prospects of their implementation in Ukraine. An extended LTE-Advanced and WiMAX-Advanced technologies functions have been researched, through which the developers could provide requirements for 4G.

Due to the beginning of preparations for the introduction of 4G technologies in Ukraine it was advisable to highlight the main achievements in the development of these technologies and trends to overcoming the problems encountered in implementing them in our country.

The results of research have revealed that LTE-Advanced extended functions, such as Carrier Aggregation, the introduction of 8x8 MIMO in the DL and 4x4 MIMO in the UL, support of heterogeneous (HetNet) networks, the convergence of radio access for paired and unpaired spectrum, along with retransmitting allow to increase transfer of data: up to 3Hbit/s in the downlink (DL) and to 1,5 Hbit/s in uplink (UL) and increase spectral efficiency up to 30 bps/Hz. The development of WiMAX-Advanced led to the appearance of versions of WiMAX-Advanced Release2.1 and WiMAX-Advanced Release2.2, which are aimed at convergence of WiMAX and TD-LTE: WiMAX-Advanced Release2.2 must support load balancing between LTE TDD and WiMAX, load balancing within a base station or between pico- and macro cells, it must provide Link aggregation etc.

One of the main problems to the introduction of 4G technology in Ukraine is lack of necessary frequency bands occupied by 2G-communications, the need for reforming the frequency spectrum and introduction of «technological neutrality» principle. To solve these issues it is extremely important to fulfill the research of the modern technology trends and use the experience of leading telecommunication companies.

Author Biographies

Ольга Веніамінівна Габовда, Mukachevo State University, 26 Uzhhorodska St, Mukachevo, 89600


Department of shoe design and mechanical-technological processes

Тетяна Миколаївна Садовнікова, Mukachevo State University, 26 Uzhhorodska St, Mukachevo, 89600

Senior Lecturer

Department of shoe design and mechanical-technological processes


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How to Cite

Габовда, О. В., & Садовнікова, Т. М. (2016). Analysis of mobile networks 4th generation and prospects for implementation in Ukraine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(2(28), 4–9.



Information Technologies: Original Research