Identification of constituents and evaluation of innovative potential of region




innovative potential, evaluation of innovative potential, evaluation model, scientific and technical potential, intellectual capital, region


Approaches to the evaluation of the condition and use of innovative potential in regions of Ukraine are considered in the article. Statistical data is proved. Data information base of the study were formed on the basis of this data. The system of indicators for comparative evaluation of regions with each other was formed. This system allows more thoroughly identify the extent of unused resources in innovative development. The model and algorithm of forming group parameters and their combination in the general index of evaluation potential for regions are proposed. The calculations of rank level for regions are done. The placement of regions in rank order based on the impact of each of the four groups of indicators is done. Based on the proposed approach in this article, it is possible to estimate the extent of non-innovative potential of regions for each component that allows increasing the effectiveness of innovative development of the region and making more informed decisions in the field of regulatory innovative policy.

Author Biography

Марина Юріївна Глізнуца, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», 61002, Kharkiv, Kyrpychova St., 21


Department of organization of production and personnel management


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How to Cite

Глізнуца, М. Ю. (2016). Identification of constituents and evaluation of innovative potential of region. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(5(29), 11–14.