Reproducing of security and limited visibility of fire weapons of defence line from aerial reconnaissance




wave size, aberration, caustic zone, wave coincidence


The object of the research is a process of an elastic interaction of ultrasound beam with a cylindrical module in the form of two circular shells with same length coaxially connected to their ends. Sealed gap between two circular shells is filled with fluid.

Outside irradiation by the ultrasonic beam affects the properties of the module, including the emergence of local characteristics of the outer shell, and to change energy state of liquid-static gap between shells.

It is great interest in the applied use of these changes for echolocation tasks in terms of artificial formation of «acoustic transparency» situation.

The following research methods are used: methods of construction of fencing structures, methods of radiation acoustics and methods of hydroacoustics.

The features of the studied mechanical system are revealed at the resonant level of wave coincidence. The content of aberration phenomena of sound waves that are emitted into the liquid is defined and surface barriers in the form of caustic zone with a high degree of turbulence and energy state is built. Economic conditions for use of ultrasound beam energy to the desired «acoustic transparency» of the outer shell at low and below the limit frequencies are outlined.

Comparative analysis of the object photos inside the inner shell for the original time and during irradiation allows qualitatively assess change clear outline of the object to blurred patch that was the aim of research. Opportunities for quality improvement of effect are related to the choice of physical and chemical, in particular, optical properties of the liquid.

Thus, caustic zone, which is formed artificially by ultrasound, will block echolocation means and make invisible military equipment of open field fortifications.

Author Biography

Volodimir Karachun, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Biotechnics and Engineering


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How to Cite

Karachun, V. (2017). Reproducing of security and limited visibility of fire weapons of defence line from aerial reconnaissance. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(33), 15–18.



Chemical and Technological Systems: Original Research