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Author Guidelines

I. Structure of the article
Abstract (no more than 150 words) should include a brief summary of the main results of the paper. Not recommended for use in the summary formulas and references.
In the beginning of this article shall contain: UDC; authors names in Russian, academic degree and rank, full name (no abbreviations), exact postal and electronic addresses of the enterprise (organization) of each of the authors, and the title of the article, which should be informative and concise. Provides annotation keywords. This information needs to be translated into English.
The title of the article must not be used abbreviations, together with conventional (ASP, NSG, LNG, CCA, etc.).
Keywords (no more than 10 words) should include the basic terms of the article.
The manuscript should be submitted in the format A4 pages (210'297 mm), font 12 pt Times New Roman, Arial or Simbol c interval of one and a half (the left margin of at least 2 cm).
The article should contain several sections:
1. Introduction. In the introduction, you need to specify which field of science (technology, production) include studies in question in the article. Should briefly justify the urgency of the problem, state the purpose of the article and highlight in her tasks to be completed.
2. The main sections. There may be more. In sections of the paper should:
- Generate solvable in Article issues arising from the intended task.
- Give a brief analysis of research and publications of domestic and foreign scientists, which solves the problem considered in the paper.
- Describe the formulation of the problem of the study. The main results of the work. Consider the prospects for further research on the said issue.
3. Conclusion. The main conclusions that generalize the results of the study.
Literature. Used on bibliographic sources bracketed references are made to the extent they are mentioned in the article.
List of literature is given in order of appearance in the text sources without automatic numbering.
For article shall contain: names, initials of all authors, title, journal title, year, volume, issue number, page (inside and out).
For books are: after the name of all authors - book title, city, publisher, year of publication, number of pages.
In references to copyright certificates and patents necessarily lead class MCI or MCP, authors' names; reported the date of publication, Bulletin.
Must be supplemented by a list of the manuscript in Latin literature (References). It is also a bibliography article, but authors' names, titles of magazines are transliterated from Cyrillic (recommended, and the titles of books and articles translated into English. After each link should be indicated in parentheses language article (Rus. Or Ukr.), Which is given in the references. Lists all the authors and are not allowed any reduction.

1. Gorbachev SP., Koledova KI, Krasnonosova SD (2011). Thermodynamic models of a filling tank by the cryogenic liquid // Tekhnicheskie Gazy. [Industrial Gases]. - № 5. - P. 32-40. (Rus.).
2. Heat and mass transfer. (1982). Thermal experiments: Hand-book / Edited V.A. Grigorev, V.M. Zorin. - Moscow: Energoatomizdat. - 512 p. (Rus.).
To the article must be attached details of all authors, telephone numbers (fixed and / or mobile) of each author and e-mail addresses; specified contact person.
The article must produce at least 10 sources. The sources used to be predominantly English-speaking, published in well-known and reputable journals.
It is unacceptable in the article refer to textbooks, various materials and methodologies, state standards, specifications and other regulatory material; conference proceedings and abstracts.
On the inventors' certificates and patents instead referenced in the article itself.

Article is prepared by the editor MS Word and then fully directed to the Editor at
e-mail:, lavrenchenkog.k. @
Each formula, which is contained in the article should be numbered.
To speed up the layout of article need to type in the formula editor, Math Type. It is necessary to distinguish the font style: italic (for Latin letters), normal (for Russian letters chemical elements). Alphabetic subscripts or superscripts (allowed as an exception) should be taken from the Latin alphabet capital letters; can be applied and numbers indicating the sequence numbers and the sequence of processes. Dimension of physical quantities - in the SI system. Abbreviations should be defined when first mentioned in the text. Integration formulas in the text in the form of drawings is not allowed.
Figures should be provided in a separate graphic file with the mandatory numbering.
Figures should be placed after the references to them in the text.
Charts, graphs, diagrams should always be made in any of these programs: CorelDraw, Visio, AutoCAD, editing MS Word. After that, they need to be stored in vector form. The resulting file is in a format .eps called ris_ (figure number in the article).
Position and the curves in the graphs are numbered sequentially. The figure allowed digital and letter symbols and signs explaining submitted in captions to the pictures or in the text.
Figure runs the width of 8.0 cm.
Photos should be attached to the article as separate JPG-file with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
Graphics inserted (Import) in MS Word, are not accepted as drawings!
Tables should be numbered in the article and the title.

III. Submitting articles to the Editor
To publish an article in the magazine to the editor submitted:
1. The electronic version of the article in Russian.
2. One copy of the article in printed form signed by all authors on the back of the last page.
3. Information about each of the authors (last name, first name, academic degree and rank, position, full name of organization, institution or enterprise as well as home and work address with postal code, phone number).

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