
  • Н.І. Мельник Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of Preschool Education, Pedagogical Institute, Kiev Boris Grinchenko University, Ukraine


pedagogical education, civic competences, preschool educators.


Trends in the development of modern native pedagogical science and practice are aimed to the training of preschool teachers based on democracy, values and attitudes, in accordance with the concept of European pedagogical education, whose priorities are the values of civil society. However, not always in the process of training, there is a correct understanding and awareness of all the values associated with the civic competence of future educators, whose components are the starting point for their further professional activities and forms the basis of professional competence in general.

The leading methods in the implementation of the goal are: the method of questioning, the method of analysis of personal data; study of actual material; For the formulation of the results of the study used methods for describing and summarizing factual information and perspective analysis with the elements of modeling.

According to the results of the research, the author has determined, that among the civic competences important for the professional activity of the teacher, the future bachelors of pre-school education have distinguished: empathy, cooperation skills, autonomous learning skills, knowledge and critical understanding of the world, responsibility, openness to other cultures, ability to listen and watch, respect, respect for human dignity, flexibility and adaptability, linguistic and communicative skills, and multilingualism.

Beyond the attention of future preschool educators such aspects are left, as: respect for human rights, recognition of the value of cultural diversity, recognition of the value of democracy, justice, equality and the rule of law, knowledge and critical understanding of language and the peculiarities of communication, self-knowledge and critical self-esteem, civic consciousness, confidence in itself, the adoption of uncertainty, analytical and critical thinking, conflict resolution skills.

The results of the study showed the necessity of developing the content, forms, methods and means of forming civic competences in bachelors of pre-school education as basic in the process of professional training. Thus, the author developed and proposed a system of trainings and training aimed at forming the civic competencies of future bachelors of pre-school education, taking into account the experience of Western European countries.



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