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Author Guidelines

Structure of the article

1. UDC.

2. Information about the author in Ukrainian, Russian and English, containing the following information (no abbreviations and acronyms): first name, middle name, degree, rank, position, affiliation. 

3. Contact information: telephone number, email.

4. Title of the article in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

5. Summary and keywords:

a) summary in the Ukrainian language contains “characteristics of the main theme, issue, goals of the article and its results. The average size is 500 characters” (State Standard 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76));

b) summary in the Russian and English languages is a translated Ukrainian version;

The keywords (3-10) come after the summary. They should be specific and representative.

6. Requirements for the main text:

- the article must constitute the problem statement in its connection to theoretical and practical tasks;

- the article must provide the analysis of recent studies and publications  discussing this issue and which the author relies upon, the specification of unsolved aspects of the problem which are subject matter of the article;

- formulation of the objectives of the article (problem);

- presentation of the material and full justification of scientific results;

- findings of this study and recommendations for further research in this area (Extract from the Decision of Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of January, 15, 2003 № 7-05/1).

7. The list of references is designed in accordance with the requirements of State Standard of Ukraine 3582-97 and State Standard of Ukraine 7.1:2006. References are given in the original language in alphabetical order.

Article format requirements:

Article’s length should be 0,5 p.p. (20000 printed characters with spaces).

Manuscripts are submitted as files prepared in MS Word; font – Times New Roman; size – 14 pt.; line spacing – 1,5; fit to the width; all margins should be 20 mm.

Reference notes: [8, 25], in which 8 – number in the list of references, 25 – number of the page; reference notes to few sources: [8, 25; 4, 67].

Quotation marks: «...»; double marks: «“...”».

Pictures are submitted separately (image file format – jpeg no less than 300 dpi). 

Tables and formulas are executed in accordance with the requirements of State Standards of Ukraine 3008-95.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.