
  • Н.І. Мельник Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


profiles of professional competence, vocational education, preschool education, vocational training.


The processes of integration and joining the Ukrainian education system into the European educational space before forming a domestic theory and practice is not only the task of studying a promising experience of foreign countries are solved in the context of comparative studies, but also require clarification of the nature of individual educational events, clarification of terminology and European comparison of various aspects of teacher education on the national system of professional training of teachers. An important aspect of teacher education in Ukraine is the professional training of pre-school education that builds on common European principles and provisions of teacher education, hence the purpose of this article.

The leading methods in achieving the goals are: comparative method (comparative) analysis; study factual material; authentic translation of literature; binary comparison method; for the formulation of the results carried out a comparative study of the methods used describe and summarize factual information and prospective analysis of the elements of design.

The results of the study authors found that at the current stage in the European educational space distinguished:

1) profiles of professional competence (Professional competence profiles) - official rules and / or national or regional legal documents, which is a list of competencies required for work in preschool education and care (educational institution for children from birth to six years);

2) the profiles training or competency profiles basic training (Competence profiles for initial training) - the official recommendations adopted by national or regional state authorities for vocational training, governing principles and requirements for the basic training of future preschool teachers.

Regarding the preschool teachers in Europe formed six types of professional profiles, including in accordance with Ukrainian terminology qualified teachers who have a master's degree; educators with basic vocational education at bachelor level (college, four years of university studies, etc.); teachers, elementary school teachers - teachers eligible to work with children older preschool and early school age; social teachers are eligible to work in the field of pre-school education; educators infants and preschool educators, pediatricians. The survey results outline the prospects for professional training of preschool education in Ukraine in the direction of expanding the list of specialties and talk about diversifying and expanding the network of pre-schools by taking into account European practice.

Author Biography

Н.І. Мельник, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine, Kyiv

PhD, Associated Professor of Preschool Education Department, Pedagogical Institute



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