Ecological innovations аs a factor of sustainable socio-economic rural development




sustainable development, eco-innovative activity, agriculture, rural areas, administrative and territorial reform


The article is devoted to the study of the role and significance of innovations for the formation of a strategy of sustainable rural development, in the regulation of the process of greening based on the improvement of the mechanism of the introduction of ecological innovations, which will contribute to increasing the economic efficiency of the agricultural sector as a key factor of positive changes in the socio-economic development of the village. The priority of ecological innovations in the development of rural areas and agricultural production is shown. The main models of managing the development of rural areas are considered, as well as certain areas of implementation of eco-innovations and their impact on the development of rural areas are proposed. The possibility of introducing a new management system on the basis of greening and synergism of state programs of agrarian development and innovation policy is considered. The ways and mechanisms of improvement of ecologically innovative activity are described and the methods of its implementation are proposed. It has been studied that the improvement of the management system of eco-innovative development of rural areas involves changes occurring in the field of planning, employment of the population of the territories, promotion of products, interaction between the authorities, business and the population, and knowledge management. Innovations in the field of rural development management will provide specific rural areas with long-term competitive advantages and stimulate their development under the conditions of combining and taking into account both scientific and technological and administrative and management innovative solutions.

Author Biographies

O. Bendasiuk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

N. Zinovchuk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics, Professor

L. Sakharnatska, Uzhhorod National University

Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor


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