
  • M. H. Ступень Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine




system, tourism, regulation, sustainable development, recreational areas, tools


The article describes the current state and features of the regulation of tourism development in Ukraine. The shortcomings and problematic aspects of the functioning of the domestic system of regulation of tourism development are identified. It is proved that the effective functioning of the system for regulating the sustainable development of tourism is determined by the strategic priorities of the state, as well as the programmatic approach to the implementation of regulatory actions through the system of methods and tools available to the state in the implementation of tourism policy. However, the strategic priorities set forth in the conceptual and program documents of the development of the domestic tourism industry, in most cases are declarative in nature. The revealed pattern of development of regulation of sustainable development of tourism in the context of its greening, which is to strengthen the role of the environmental factor. Characterized by international models and international experience in the regulation of tourism development. It was determined that the differences of countries of the world in natural, economic and political aspects determine the features of the functioning of the systems of organization, management and regulation of tourism at the national level.

The key conditions for improving the system of regulating the sustainable development of tourism have been identified, providing for self-organization of business, coordination of activities with infrastructure sectors, attracting the population, increasing the responsibility of tourists, encouraging greening of tourism, and promoting tourism. Based on the conclusions about the possibility of using the global criteria for sustainable tourism development as a methodological tool for the formation of the national system of its regulation, a set of tools for the implementation of this system has been proposed. These instruments are conditionally divided into two groups: state regulation and initiative, including tools of market selfregulation and public influence. The set of measures to improve the system for regulating the sustainable development of tourism in Ukraine is substantiated.

Author Biography

M. H. Ступень, Lviv National Agrarian University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor


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