
  • В. В. Якімцов National Forestry University of Ukraine, Ukraine



synergetics, efficiency, system, model, analysis


The article is devoted to the theory and methodology of synergistic efficiency of the functioning of socio-ecological and economic systems. As a basis for the study of the functioning of complex socio-ecological and economic systems, a system approach with the use of synergistic methodological apparatus is chosen. The task of creating models of socio-ecological and economic processes in Ukraine today is sufficiently relevant and requires attention and thorough research, a problem. Because the current socioecological and economic situation in Ukraine is so complex and specific due to many internal and external
factors, indicators that a large number of standard models used in Europe, America, Japan are not suitable for their application in Ukraine. This is explained by the state of the political, social and ecological nature, which give researchers even more difficulties and the need for immediate solution of problems by the most modern, synergetic methods. The simulation process of complex phenomena is sufficiently effective in certain, defined spheres, industries, objects that have their own specific characteristics and characteristics  this is sociology, political science, business, culture, and even modeling of human life.
The main ideas and perspectives of the study of the functioning of complex socio-ecological and economic systems, based on the synergistic approach, are formulated. Emphasis was placed on the study of complex socio-ecological-economic systems from the point of view of synergetics, factor (function) of time. The main ideas of the study of complex socio ecological and economic systems, based on the synergistic approach, are formulated. The stages of determination of the indicator of synergetic socio-ecological and economic efficiency (Es), as the estimation of the activity of complex systems (enterprises) are indicated. The generalized scheme of definition of synergetic efficiency of functioning of complex socio-ecologicaleconomic systems, from the standpoint of system approach is presented.

Author Biography

В. В. Якімцов, National Forestry University of Ukraine

PhD in Economics


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