
  • Л. М. Грановська Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Р. А. Кисельова Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Д. Л. Грановський Kherson State Agrarian University, Ukraine



water management sector, principles, environmental management and audit, ecological safety, public-private partnership, ecologization, modernization


Develop scientific justification principles and areas of implementation of environmental management and audit system of water management Ukraine for its sustainable operation and future development. The methodology of the investigation based on the use of the modern scientific methods, viz.: analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, mathematical statistics, systematic approach, and analysis. Involvement of significant volumes of water resources of the Southern region are led to a change in the hydrological regime in the water catchment areas, disturbance of natural equilibrium, sharp decrease in the quality of water resources potential, the predominance of degradation processes on self-sustaining and self-cleaning ability of aquatic ecosystems in economic circulation for the development of the branches of the economy: industry, recreation, agriculture, including irrigation. Today it is urgently necessary to solve the problems of integrated water management as an integral ecological-economic system of the region with the possibility of taking into account the needs of ensuring the protection and rational use of all natural resources, modern changes in the nature management and strategies of social development of the region. The functioning of the water management complex is ineffective by the imperfection of the modern water management system, the lack of funding and the imperfection of the mechanisms for attracting extra budgetary funds, as well as the absence of a system of public-private partnership in the water sector. In addition, the lack of a powerful legislative framework for ecologization of water management activities is led to environmental problems and ecological-economic, organizational and technological risks. There are necessary to conduct environmental audits and identification of new technological opportunities irrigation systems and waterworks, development directions and stages of modernization of irrigation systems to ensure integrated water management and adaptation of irrigation systems and irrigation modes of crops in connection with climate change to ensure ecologically balanced development of water systems. It is also necessary to create conditions for sustainable socio-economic development of the agricultural sector in the area of irrigation and rural areas. The issues of efficient functioning of the water industry are closely linked not only with the introduction of environmental audits, but also the introduction of environmental management as a water management system at the national level, as well as at the regional and local levels, remain unresolved.

 The basic condition for improving the efficiency of the water industry is the development and scientific substantiation of the principles of the implementation of the environmental management system and audit in order to develop the directions of recovery and development of the industry in the context of environmental safety and on the basis of ecologization of its activities. Environmental audit and its results as water and hydraulic engineering objects, irrigated agricultural lands, are the basis for implementation of engineering, reclamation and ecological measures in the system of ecological management and audit. Improvement of the management system is impossible without substantiation of the main stages of modernization and restoration of the industry, which envisages a gradual and tolerant distribution of functions of water resources management and exploitation of water management and reclamation systems between the State Agency of Water Management and regional authorities. Strengthening the role of the State Agency for Water Management in water resources management will enable ecologically safe and balanced use of them on the basis the principles of comprehensiveness and integration.


Author Biographies

Л. М. Грановська, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Р. А. Кисельова, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Д. Л. Грановський, Kherson State Agrarian University



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