
  • О. О. Тетерук Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine
  • В. Б. Ковальов National Agrarian and Ecological University of Zhytomyr city, Ukraine
  • В. П. Ландін Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine
  • В. П. Фещенко National Agrarian and Ecological University of Zhytomyr city, Ukraine



radioactively polluted soils, hemp, soya, amaranth, yield


The ecological situation resulting from the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant has put the teams of research institutions in front of the objective need to expand the areas of scientific research. Among the priorities are the long-term prediction of the content of radionuclides in the soil-plant-animalagricultural products chain and the redistribution of radionuclides in different types of soils and landscapes for long-term operational forecast assessment of processes and support for management decisions, as well as the development of technologies for the rehabilitation of radioactive contaminated agricultural land and recommendations on the production of the resulting products, the content of radionuclides in which would be in line with the current norms. Methods of research: stationary field, laboratory, methods of mathematical statistics, cartographic. The research was carried out near Khrystynivka village (Zhytomyr region) on a subpodzolic sandy soils with a high density of radioactive contamination. The results of the research are presented on the example of hemp, soybean and amaranth. The investigated cultures showed a high percentage of yield (from the potentially possible). On the territory of conducting radiological monitoring of contamination of the territory 137Cs has a slight variegated, but
high density of pollution. As a result of radiological studies, the highest level of specific activity of 137Cs was recorded in the green mass of the amaranth, and the lowest in the hemp fiber. The use of fertilizers in the dose N30R60K90 showed a decrease in the level of accumulation of radionuclides to their level in crops. The obtained results of the specific activity of 137Cs in raw material obtained from such crops, such as soybeans and hemp, allow it to be used for technical purposes, since, in accordance with established norms
of specific activity of 137Cs, indicators below 600 Bq/kg. The article deals with the actual scientific task, which is to determine the types of plants that are promising for cultivation in conditions of radioactive contamination of the territory. The practical significance of scientific results bases in the possibility of applying the scientific provisions and conclusions of research into the practical activity of agricultural enterprises, farms on the restoration of radioactive contaminated lands and the possibility of growing such plants in these territories which are absolutely safe in agricultural production.

Author Biographies

О. О. Тетерук, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Post-Graduate Student

В. Б. Ковальов, National Agrarian and Ecological University of Zhytomyr city

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

В. П. Ландін, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Fellow

В. П. Фещенко, National Agrarian and Ecological University of Zhytomyr city

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor


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