
  • В. А. Майборода Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



oak borrel, ordinary oak, modal trees, normal trees, planting stability, productivity


A brief analysis of the state of the hills in Ukraine and the ineffectiveness of the adoption of the «Dibrova» program in 1996 concerning their reproduction. Attention is drawn to the deterioration of the overall ecological situation, which affects the stability of the load on the ordinary grouse type of forest vegetation. In connection with this, the arguments regarding the expediency of using the oak of the officer in the recovery of oaks and its oven advantages over the oak are common. Namely, the advantages of oak fighting in front of the oak have been emphasized by the usual feature in terms of resistance to negative
environmental influences, which led to the acquisition of a significant part of the plantation of oak. The efficiency of using this breed in places of mass suction of the usual is substantiated. As one of the options offer to calculate the oven when caring for a place in the front of the Carpathians to a height of 700 m above sea level. It is argued that the restoration of obras with oak battles can only improve their stability, but also productivity. It is emphasized that this is one of those wood species that can be formed with high
productivity of wood. Indicated in the high competitiveness of this breed, which should be taken into account when creating mixed crops, where there is no proper approach to the Sabbath, which occurs with their displacement. In this case, less productive modal trees are formed. The comparative estimation of growth on the main tactical indicators in the production of common trees with growth, both modal and normal (full) tree stands is carried out. It is indicated that the creation of hibernous types of forest vegetation, first of all in those places, took place with the involvement of ordinary, cultural life not only contributes to the restoration of otters, but also, with their greater productivity, gives the opportunity to destroy the turnover of felling. In addition, such breeds of efficiency are used in the formation of sustainable agro-landscapes and field-protective forest bands.

Author Biography

В. А. Майборода, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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