
  • І. Л. Башинська Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine



quality of drinking-water, sample, heavy metals, toxicity, level of contamination, norm


The article shows the current state regarding the problem of provision of benign drinking tap water
to Zhytomyr population. It was conducted the environmental assessment of the quality of drinking water
for the content of metals for a long period of time in accordance with the regulations of DSanPiN 2.2.4-
171-10 State sanitary norms and rules «Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human
consumption» and the standards of Council Directive 98/83/EC «On the quality of water intended for
human consumption». It was established that drinking tap water was characterized by low levels of contamination
by cadmium, chromium, copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc, strontium and cobalt. The content of
metals and elements in the water, such as beryllium, vanadium, bismuth, tungsten, lithium, arsenic, tin,
silver, antimony, selenium, titanium was found in very low concentrations, and they do not cause harm
to the people’s life and health. In terms of content of boron and silicon in water, the norm is not exceeded.
The level of contamination of drinking water with nickel was characterized as low, iron — medium. As for
the content of mercury in the water, it is necessary to conduct additional experiments as device sensitivity
that we used during study was higher than the established norm and did not allow to make the conclusion
about concentrations of mercury in drinking water and to assess its safety.
It was established that main risk hazard for Zhytomyr population when consuming drinking water
is its high toxicity associated with the high level of contamination of residual aluminium and manganese.
72 № 4/2018 Збалансоване природокористування
High levels of aluminium contamination due to the use of water treatment technologies in high doses of
reagents — aluminium coagulants and manganese — low quality of water at the source of drinking water,
which for 2004–2017 years of observation on the average content of organic matter and manganese meet
2 — 3 class water quality according to the classification DSTU 4808:2007 «Sources of centralized drinking
water supply. Hygienic and environmental requirements for quality and selection rules», and maximum
content — 4 classes.
In the article also shown the possible consequences of the consumption of contaminated drinking water
with toxic metals for human health and proposed methods and technologies for water purification that
will minimize the content of harmful, toxic elements and metals.

Author Biography

І. Л. Башинська, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University



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