
  • В. І. Дубовий Zhytomyr National Agricultural Agroechnological University, Ukraine
  • О. В. Дубовий Kyiv National University of Culture and Mystics, Ukraine
  • О. П. Рябчук Zhytomyr agrotechnical college, Ukraine



ecological design, ecological technologies, greenhouses, floral, fruit, vegetable plants


The main purpose of our research was to improve the technology of growing flower, vegetable plants,
ornamental bushes and fruit trees, which are the essence of ecological design and represent the everyday
environment of man. The methodology of the research. The method of grass growing: on a flat ground
(asphalt, concrete, etc.) along the perimeter place wooden beams of 40×40 size, which have arbitrary
length. We lend it with a plastic sheeting, where wooden bars were the walls of the future grass. Prepared
a mixture of soil, sand and humus (in the ratio 1:1:1) placed on a plastic sheeting, the layer of which
determines the thickness of wooden bars, is was 40 mm. Sow the grass of the appropriate varieties and
watered if necessary. In order to prevent the spillage of the substrate during precipitation, cover it with a
plastic sheeting. With the appearance of seedlings, the height of which was 4–5 cm, we cut them for better
rooting of grass. After 45–50 days, the grasss can be suitable for permanent placement. Against the aphids
inhabiting indoor plants, as well as plants in the open ground, used spraying with drink Coca-Cola. To
control the spider mites, in the growth zone of plants (greenhouses, rooms, etc.), the humidity was maintained
at 80%. As soon as the humidity of the air fall to 20%, after a day the plants will be populated and
damaged by this pest. Only frequent spraying of plants with ordinary water will serve as a reliable way
to protect plants from this pest. To control shields, plants were sprayed with sunflower oil diluted in hot
water with a temperature of 50-60°C in a ratio of 1:1 and sprayed plants at room temperature of solution
(16-18°C). On the basis of the conducted researches it is generalized that human who lives in full harmony
with the environment, correctly grows plants and cares of them, creates foremost comfort both for a plant
and itself. Perhaps in the future it would not be so important to be dependent on the machine, but it will
be better if machine help the human to adapt to his natural environment, that is, to adapt the technique to
a human without any harm in general for nature and for human health particularly.

Author Biographies

В. І. Дубовий, Zhytomyr National Agricultural Agroechnological University

Doctor of Agricultural science, professor

О. В. Дубовий, Kyiv National University of Culture and Mystics

candidate of Agricultural sciences

О. П. Рябчук, Zhytomyr agrotechnical college

Candidate of Social Sciences


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