
  • С. О. Мазур Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine



herpes botanical insects, agricultural landscaping, biodiversity, ecotone, entomocomplex


One of the directions of modern biomonitoring of agroecosystems is the search for new approaches
and certain biomarkers for the state of the ecosystem and the individual populations that are part of it.
The viability of populations, as an integral indicator of their state, is a reliable biomarker, which gives an
idea of the future fate of the population and the species as a whole. In addition, viability as a quantitative
indicator of the survival rate of the population appears reflexive norms of the corresponding reactions
of the organism to changes in the environment.
The impact of various chemicals caused by human activity at the population level and biocenosis, as
well as the tolerance tolerance for all types and ecosystems, are not well-known and studied, therefore deep
research is needed to assess the impact and provide a fundamental effective monitoring of the quality of
the environment.
The integral indices of the herpesbiont groupings under conditions of use of soil herbicides are shown
and their application creates selective conditions and leads to a decrease in the number of species of different
taxonomic groups. It has been established that entomocomplexes of field ecosystems loaded with
soil herbicides are characterized by a depleted level of species diversity, polydominance and leveling in
numbers, compared to natural habitats.

Author Biography

С. О. Мазур, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS



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