
  • О. Р. Баран Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine



agrolandscape, structure, territory organization, optimization, agricultural enterprise, environmental and economic assessment


The article is devoted to the study and improvement of scientific and methodological approaches to
the environmental and economic feasibility of agrolandscape organization of the territory of agricultural
enterprises and the optimization of their territorial structure. As the world and domestic experience shows,
one of the main directions of combining the environmental and economic components of the production
and economic activities of agricultural enterprises for the future is the agrolandscape organization of their
territory, which raises the urgency of the environmental and economic substantiation of this process in
order to create optimal conditions for the sustainable development of agricultural production.
A scientific and methodological approach to optimizing the territorial structure of agricultural enterprises
on an agrolandscape basis is proposed, which, unlike the existing ones, is based on a zonal, ecologically
balanced ratio of land and crop rotation, taking into account their differentiated use to increase
production efficiency by reducing economic damage from yield loss and degradation soils As part of the
study, an economic-mathematical model is proposed for determining the optimal structure and ordering
of land, taking into account the agrolandscape organization of an agricultural enterprise. The basis of
optimization is the creation of a functional economic-mathematical model, the objective function of which
is to maximize the profits of agricultural enterprises with a number of restrictions on production and
natural parameters of the spatial organization of production and economic activity.

Author Biography

О. Р. Баран, Lviv National Agrarian University

postgraduate student


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