
  • Л. Д. Романчук Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine
  • І. Л. Башинська Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine



integral assessment, the quality of drinking water, carcinogenic risk, non-carcinogenic risk, olfactor-reflex effect, integral index


The calculation results of the integral estimation of drinking tap water quality in Zhytomyr city according to the chemical harmlessness indicators are given in the article with the help of the method of a non-threshold model, based on probable estimates of the adverse effects development in the human body. This approach is based on an assessment of the potential risk to the human health, taking into account the negative chronic (long-term) effects of hazardous toxic compounds contained in the drinking tap water on its body. This brings to a gradual increase of the population morbidity, which constantly consumes the non-normative quality water. The list of pollutants was formed from 24 indicators. Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks were calculated, as well as an integral indicator of the risk of drinking water. It was found that the tap water supplied to the Zhytomyr Vodokanal distribution network is not safe for the city’s population health and requires the immediate introduction of new effective water treatment technologies to improve the quality of drinking tap water in Zhytomyr. The quantities of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks were 0.000032 and 0.0899 respectively. The value of carcinogenic risk exceeded the size acceptable value (0.00001) in 3.2 times, mainly due to the content of excess concentrations of chloroform in water, the formation of which, in turn, is due to the presence of stable organic contamination of the water supply source and the use of large doses of chlorine in the purification technology water. The value of non-carcinogenic risk exceeded the acceptable value (0.05) in 1,8 times due to exceeding the manganese and permanganate oxidation standards established by DSANPin. The calculated integral index was 5.728 and it is 5.7 times higher than the normative level (1.0). The laboratory results and production experiments on the introduction of a reagent — an oxidizer of sodium permanganate (commercial form CARUSOL) into the technological process of preparing drinking water in water treatment plants of the Communal Enterprise «Zhytomyr Vodokanal» will be illustrated in the direction of further work.

Author Biographies

Л. Д. Романчук, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

І. Л. Башинська, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University



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